Leader in Partnered Pedagogical Innovation

Schools, universities, learners: we help you grow!

view of floating open book from stacked books in library
view of floating open book from stacked books in library

Our story

The story begins in March 2020, at a time when the world is undergoing one of the greatest changes it has ever known.

Jean-Baptiste IGONETTI, Weicheng LUO and Dani CHEN, who already had a wealth of experience in education and teaching, became aware of the extraordinary upheaval that the pandemic was already causing in terms of the acquisition and transmission of knowledge.

Their idea is simple, but brilliant...

Our manifesto

We are much more than just a company: we are an intelligent and dynamic network of educational partners. We believe that education has the power to change lives, open doors and shape futures, and that collaboration and synergy are the keys to driving innovation and growth in the knowledge acquisition and transmission sectors.

Our profession

Nous sommes un réseau éducatif mondial en constante évolution, travaillant inlassablement pour façonner l'avenir de l'éducation. Notre mission est profondément ancrée dans notre ADN, et elle se résume en trois mots : Soutenir, Connecter, Innover...

Why choose us?

Find out how ENOFAP works and what the benefits of working with us are, for both learners and educational organisations.

Our partnerships

Nos actualités

A few key figures...

Connected countries




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